(1) Chizov A. - Vatutin E.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

At the end of the game, in the classics, Black controls two corners, which is often good. 37.28-22 20-25 38.36-31
[ 38.33-28 6-11! White have a lot of problems (38...24-30 39.35x24 19x30 40.28x19 13x24 41.22x2 30-35 42.2x30 35x22=) ]
38...21-26 39.22-17 8-12 40.17x8 13x2 41.33-28 2-8 42.38-33 6-11 43.39-34 8-13 44.34-29 23x34 45.40x20 15x24 46.45-40 11-17 47.40-34 24-30 48.35x24 19x39 49.33x44 17-21 50.44-39 13-19 51.39-33 18-23 52.28-22 25-30 53.33-29 23x34 54.22-18 34-40 55.18-12 40-45 56.12-8 45-50 57.8-2 19-24 58.2-7 50-45 59.32-28 21x41 60.7-1 26x37 61.28-23 45x18 62.1x25 41-47 63.25-48 37-41 64.48-39 41-46 65.39-6 24-30 66.6-22 30-35 67.22-18 46-28 68.18-34 28-50 69.34-12 50-45 70.12-17 45-1

(2) Ivanov A. - Anikieiev Y.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

[ It must be at least: 26.40-34 not yet giving: 12-17?? 27.34-29! 23x34 28.39x30 25x34 29.45-40! 34x45 30.33-29 24x33 31.28x39 17x28 32.32x1 21x41 33.42-37 41x32 34.38x27 x ]
[ 26.39-34? 24-29 x ]
26...12-17 27.22-18 White handed over the pawn because it threatened the suicidal: 24-30, 20x29x 23x12 28.42-37 24-30 29.35x24 20x29 30.33x24 19x30 31.38-33 30-35 32.50-44 21-26 There is no real compensation for the checker, but the game ended in a peaceful Ukrainian draw.

(3) Ramos M. - Valneris G.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

21.30-25?? 19-24! A binding from two sides or in other words "tongs" 22.45-40 13-19 23.41-37 9-13 24.37-32 7-11 25.43-38 4-9 26.48-43 10-15 27.47-41 18-22 Romos gave up because of: 28.29x16 22-28 29.33x11 24-29 30.34x23

(4) Zhou W. - Chizhov A.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

38...24-29! threatens 17-22.29-33 x White has to spread out in the corners. 39.27-22 18x27 40.32x21 23x32 41.38x27 13-18 42.42-37 7-11 43.21-16 8-13 44.16x7 12x1 45.37-32 19-23 46.40-34 29x40 47.35x44 15-20! 48.43-38 13-19 49.44-40 17-22 50.38-33 22x31 51.26x37 20-24 52.40-35 1-7! 53.32-27 7-11 54.37-31 11-17 55.31-26 17-22 56.33-28?? 23x21 57.26x28 24-29 x

(5) Georgiev A. - Trofimov I.
IMSA WMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

28.34-29 23x34 29.40x29 18-23 30.29x18 12x23 31.27-21 16x27 32.31x22 20-25 White is aiming for the short flank of the opponent, Black is left to do the same thing. Who will be faster !? 33.36-31 3-8 34.31-26 14-20 35.26-21 25-30 36.45-40 23-29 37.40-34 29x40 38.35x44 20-25 39.37-31 30-34 40.39x30 25x34 41.31-26 15-20 42.43-39 34x43 43.38x49 20-25 44.32-27 8-12 45.22-17 25-30 46.17x8 13x2 47.44-40 9-14 48.27-22 14-20 49.40-35 30-34 50.22-18 6-11 51.28-22 11-16 52.21-17 16-21 53.17-11
[ 53.17-12? 19-23! 54.18x40 7x27 55.26x17 ]
53...7x16 54.26x17 20-25 55.17-12 16-21 56.12-8 2x13 57.18x9 faster white, it remains only not to be mistaken in the endgame 19-23 58.9-4 24-30 59.35x24 34-40 60.4-10 40-44 61.10x16 44-50 62.33-28 50-39 63.16-7 39-48 64.7-45 48-39 65.24-19 39-48 66.22-18 25-30 67.18-12 48-39 68.28-23 39-22 69.12-7 22-36 70.7-1 36-47 71.23-18 47-20 72.18-13 20-3 73.1-6 x

(6) Fedorovich O. - Golubeva Z.
IMSA WMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

49...16-21 50.22-17 26-31 51.17x30 31x42 52.30-24 42-47 53.34-29 25-30 54.24-19??
[ 54.33-28 30x19 55.29-23= ]
54...30-34 55.29x40 47x13 56.40-34 13-24

(7) Trofimov I. - Shvartsman A.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

Psychic attack of white in the style of 1919.
But the Red Army man Shvartsman did not allow to break through the enemy army! 23.39-33? 13-19 threatens .... 21-27, .... 17-22 x
24.30-24 19x30 25.40-35 9-13 26.35x24 12-18 27.23x12 17x8 28.37-31 26x37 29.41x32 13-18 30.22x13 8x30

(8) Anikeev Y. - Ndjofang J.M.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

Anikeev in his shoes - the center. Cameroonians had to work to achieve a peace 37.36-31! 18-22 38.27x18 13x33 39.38x29 21-26 40.31-27 14-19 41.24x13 9x18 42.32-28 6-11 43.35-30 17-21 44.37-32 11-17 45.30-24 17-22 46.28x17 21x12 47.42-38 16-21 48.27x16 12-17 49.16-11 17x6 50.32-27 6-11 51.38-32 11-17 52.32-28 18-22 53.27x18 26-31 54.18-13 31-37 55.13-8 37-41 56.8-2 4-9 57.28-23 41-46 58.24-19 9-14=

(9) Idrisova A. - Zhao H.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

Aigul found a forced win. 31.40-34! 29x40 32.45x34 22-28 33.33x22 17x28 34.25-20! 24x15 35.34-29 23x34 36.32x3 11-17 37.3x21 16x27 38.48-43 6-11 39.37-32 11-16 40.32x21 16x27 41.42-37 7-11 42.47-42 15-20 43.37-32 11-16 44.32x21 16x27 45.42-37 27-31 46.35-30 31x33 47.30x28 20-24 48.28-23 24-30 49.43-39 4-10 50.23-19 x

(10) Valneris G. - Vatutin E.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

Position is worse for Guntis, but with an Olympic calm he forces a draw 42.39-34! 17-21
[ 42...13-18 43.25-20 24x15 44.34-29 23x25 45.32x21 16x27 46.37-31= ]
43.26x17 11x22 44.34-29! 24x33 45.42-38 33x31 46.36x9 28x37 47.9-3 37-41 48.3-12 23-28 49.12-29 41-46 50.29-47 28-32 51.30-24 19x30 52.35x24 46-37 53.24-20 37-26 54.47-41=

(11) Sadowska N. - Nogovitsyna M.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

23...17-21?? I did not expect this from Matrena 24.25-20 15x24 25.33-29 24x33 26.39x26 x

(12) Motrichko V. - Zhao H.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

25...23-29?? too naive 26.33-28! 29x20 27.30-24 20x29 28.38-33 29x27 29.31x2 19-24 30.2-7 8-12 SHOCK 31.7x5 x

(13) Georgiev A. - Wang Ch.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

Georgiev is unstoppable 34.34-29! 24-30 35.45-40! 35x44 36.39x50 30-35 37.29-23 18x29 38.33x24 25-30 39.24-20 3-9 40.38-33 30-34 41.27-22 21-26 42.20-15 35-40? 43.22-17 40-45 44.17-12 8x17 45.33-29 34x23 46.28x8 17-22 47.8-3 x

(14) Shvartsman A. - Ndjofang J.M.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

[ 42...18-23 43.27-22!! ]
43.28x17 21x12 44.32-28 24-30
[ 44...12-18? 45.27-22 18x27 46.38-32 27x29 47.34x12 x ]
45.37-32 30-35 46.41-37 35x44 47.39x50 19-23 48.28x19 13x24 49.32-28 8-13 50.34-29 13-19 51.29x20 25x14 52.33-29 19-24 53.29x20 14x25 54.38-33 9-14 55.33-29 25-30 56.28-23 14-20 57.27-22 16-21 58.22-17 21-27 59.17x8 30-35 60.8-2 x 27-31 61.2-7 31x42 62.29-24 20x18 63.7x47

(15) Wang Ch. - Trofimov I.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

18...10-15?? By the end of the tournament, the number of simple mistakes of participants increases exponentially. Somewhere I read that adaptation takes place on the 18th day ... So if someone decides to stay here for a vacation, then after 8 days adapts
19.28-22! 17x28 20.34-29 24x33 21.38x7 2x11 22.32x23 19x28 23.31-27 8-12 24.43-38 12-18 25.38-32! 18-23 White has a clear extra pawn, but here too the technique of realation has summed up. 26.42-38!

(16) Ivanov I. - Zhou W.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

1.28-22 17x28 2.33x22 24-29 3.38-33 29x38 4.32x43 16-21 5.27x16 18x27 6.16-11 27-31 7.37-32 31-36 8.11-7 36-41 9.7-2 20-24 10.2-11 24-30 11.35x24 19x30 12.11-2?? 30-35 Nightmare! 13.2x28 35x22 x

(17) Anikeev Y. - Vatutin E.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

47.39-34 1-7 48.27-22 17-21 49.35-30! 24x35 50.33-29 14-20??
[ 50...21-26 51.29x20 26-31 defence is possible ]
51.29x9 x

(18) Chizov A. - Wang Ch.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

24.34-29 2-7? 25.29x20 15x24 26.28-22! 9-14 27.48-43 3-9 28.45-40 24-30 29.35x24 19x30 30.40-34 16-21 31.27x16 18x27 32.31x22 Chizhov with a pawn more, opposite to the others, did not let out his victory!

(19) Trofimov I. - Valneris G.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

Looks that Ivan used all his creative energy in rapid ......
In a hopeless position, the Whites performed a combinations, but this did not bring salvation. 37.36-31 27x47 38.33-28 23x32 39.25-20 14x25 40.39-33 47x29 41.34x3 32-37 42.3-14 37-42 43.14-32 42-47 44.43-39 47-36 45.39-33 13-18 46.32-49 18-22 47.40-34 24-30 48.35x24 22-28 49.33x22 36x39 50.49-16 11-17 51.16-27 39-30 52.27-49 30-2 53.49-43 6-11 54.43-21 17-22 55.21-43 22-27 x

(20) Zhou W. - Anikeev Y.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

32.40-34 14-20 33.36-31 24-29 34.33x24 20x40 35.45x34 9-14 36.31-27 15-20 37.34-30 25x34 38.39x30 20-24 39.43-39 12-18? calmer, without adventure 13-18, 17-21 with a draw 40.39-34 17-21 41.26x17 16-21 42.27x7 18x27 43.32x21 23x41 44.17-12 6-11 45.7x16 41-47 46.12-8 47x45 47.8-3 13-18 48.3x1 19-23=

(21) Shvartsman A. - Ramos M.
IMSA EMG - blitz, 14-12-2017

And again, the attack for wedge pawn! 28.37-32 11-16 29.32x21 16x27 30.44-39 2-7 31.42-37 23-28 32.39-33 28x39 33.43x34 7-11 34.34-29 14-19 35.30-24 19x30 36.25x34 13-19 37.45-40 9-14 38.48-42 14-20 39.37-32 11-16 40.32x21 16x27 41.38-33 27-32 42.49-43 12-18 43.42-38 19-23 44.38x27 8-12 x

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