(1) A. Ivanov - S. Ramos

33...14-19?? an obvious move, but not fully calculated this time 34.29-23! 10-14 35.23-18! 12x23 36.35-30!
[ but not immediately 36.37-31? 26x37 37.32x41 23x32 38.38x9 24-30! 39.35x13 14-19 40.13x24 20x49 41.9-4 49-40! 42.34-30 40-23= ]
36...24x35 37.34-30! 35x24 38.37-31 26x37 39.32x41 23x32 40.38x9 24-29 41.33x13 20-25 42.9x20 15x24 43.45-40 24-29 44.41-37 17-22 45.43-39 22-28 46.39-34 29-33 47.36-31 16-21 48.48-42 21-27 49.31x22 28x17 50.40-35 17-22 51.37-32 x

(2) Zhau H. - Sadowska N.

ex world champion knows this plan of attack since she was a child 24...14-19 25.40-35 19x30 26.35x24 9-14 27.45-40 14-19 28.40-35 19x30 29.35x24 11-17! 30.32-28?
[ should be: 30.49-44 ]
30...17-22! Typical for this plan temporary gift! 31.28x17 13-18! 32.17-12 8x17 33.24-19 17-21 34.26x17 7-12 35.17x8 2x44 36.49x40 20-24 37.40-35 3-9 x

(3) Georgiev A. - Chizov A.

Forcing for draw 40...24-29 41.27-22! 18x36 42.32-27! 23x21 43.34x3 21-26 44.3x17 36-41 45.17-22 13-19 46.22-28 41-47 47.28x5 47-38 48.5-41 26-31 49.41-47 38-32 50.47-36 31-37=

(4) Nogovitsyna M. - Idrisova A.

In complicated positions, Matrena is like fish in the water 36.28-22!! 9-14 37.33-28 2-8 38.34-30 8-13 39.22-17 12-18 40.17-11 16x7 41.27x16 7-12 42.36-31 12-17 43.31-27 1-7 44.49-44 7-12 45.44-40 17-21 46.42-38 12-17 47.16-11 17x6 48.27x16 23-29 49.16-11 6x17 50.28-23 19x28 51.32x21 x

(5) Fedorovich O. - Fedorovich D.

Next game with attack on the wedge. 27.37-32 11-16 28.32x21 16x27 29.47-41 12-18 30.41-37 7-11 31.37-32 11-16 32.32x21 16x27 33.38-32 27x38 34.43x32 8-12 35.49-43 10-14 36.26-21 13-19?
[ exchange was the chance 36...12-17 ]
37.32-27! 23-29 38.34x23 19x28 39.43-38 28-32 40.40-34 32x43 41.39x48 14-19 42.21-16 12-17 43.27-21! 17x26 44.36-31! 26x37 45.48-42! 37x48 46.16-11 48x30 47.35x4 x

(6) Anikieiev Y. - Shvartsman A.

Looks that the end for the white is so close. But: 49.39-34 16-21 50.26x28 23x43 51.42-38 43x32 52.34-29 32-37 53.29x20 37-41 54.20-15 10-14 55.30-24 19x30 56.35x24 41-46 57.24-19 14x23 58.33-28 23x32 59.15-10=

(7) Georgiev A. - Trofimov I.

54.10-5 23-29 55.5-14! 29-33 56.32-28! 33-39 57.37-31! 22x33 58.14-3! 36x27 59.3x34 x. Everything is calculated so well like in Chinese market.

(8) Fedorovich D. - Nogovitsyna M.

49.42-37! 27-32?? 50.24-19! 13x22 51.37x8 20-24 Unusual for Matrena oversight
52.8-2 x

(9) Sadowska N. - Golubeva Z.

[ it was necessary to boldly goes to complications 39.23-19! ]
[ or 39.35-30! ]
39...25x34 40.40x29 20-24! 41.29x20 15x24 42.45-40 10-15 43.40-34 3-8! 44.34-29 15-20 45.23-19 24x13 46.29-24 20x29 47.33x24 9-14 48.35-30 17-22 49.28x17 21x12 50.32x21 16x27 51.38-33 12-18 52.30-25 8-12 53.33-28 27-32 54.28-22 32x41 55.36x47 18x27 56.47-42 27-32 x

(10) Zhao H. - Fedorovich O.

Olga won one pawn in forcing style but nfortunatele she did not suceed to get 2 points. 27...12-18! 28.31-27 4-9 29.39-33 10-15 30.40-34 20-24 31.45-40 14-20 32.50-45 2-8 33.34-29 8-12 34.40-34 9-14 35.45-40 1-6 36.43-39 6-11 37.48-42 12-17 38.42-37 17-21 39.37-31 21-26 40.29-23 18x29 41.34x23 26x37 42.32x41 24-30 43.35x24 20x18 44.41-37 3-8 45.37-31 8-12 46.31-26 15-20 47.33-29 19-24 48.38-33 14-19 49.40-35 25-30 50.27-21 16x27 51.22x31 20-25 52.29x20 25x14 53.35x24 19x30 54.31-27 14-20 55.27-21 11-17 56.21-16 20-25 57.39-34 30x39 58.33x44=

(11) Zhau H. - Nogovitsyna M.

35.30-25! 8-12??
[ it was safety to play: 35...9-14! combination: 36.34-29 23x34 37.28-23 19x39 38.38-33 leads just to a draw ]
[ 35...24-29? 36.33x24 19x39 37.28x19 13x24 38.38-33 39x28 39.32x14 21x41 40.14-10 with big chances for white ]
36.25-20! typical for classic positions scarify 24x15 37.34-30 23-29 38.33x24 9-14 39.38-33 21-26 40.30-25 19x30 41.35x24 12-17 42.37-31 26x37 43.42x31 17-21 44.33-29 21-26 45.48-43 26x37 46.32x41 14-19 47.29-23! 18x20 48.25x23 11-17 49.41-37 6-11 50.43-39 17-21 51.27-22! 21-26 52.39-33! 11-17 53.22x11 16x7 54.23-18! 13x22 55.28x17 15-20 56.33-29 good implementation of an advantage in development

(12) Ivanov A. - Anikeev Y.

Who has a better position? Who knows! Probably whose who gets better breakfast. 27.38-33 3-9 28.34-30 23-28 29.43-38 18-23 30.47-41 15-20 31.39-34 28x39 32.34x43 13-18 33.40-34 9-13 34.43-39 23-29 35.34x23 18x29 36.37-32 11-16 37.32x21 16x27 38.41-37 7-11 39.39-33 12-18 40.38-32 27x38 41.33x42 11-17 42.31-27 22x31 43.36x27 18-23 44.45-40 13-18 45.27-21 5-10 46.21x12 18x7 47.49-43 23-28 48.37-31 28-32 49.31-27 32x21 50.26x17 10-15 strong sailor's knot 51.42-37 29-34 52.30x39 19-23 53.37-32 14-19 54.25x14 19x10 55.32-27 23-28 56.40-34 10-14 57.43-38 28-32 58.27-22 32x43 59.39x48 14-19 60.22-18 15-20 61.17-12 7-11 62.12-8 x

(13) Shvartsman A. - Georgiev A.

Wedge cannot be attacked. White need to play precisely to keep chance equal. 22.37-32 11-16 23.32x21 16x27 24.42-37 6-11 25.37-32 11-16 26.32x21 16x27 27.47-41 23-28! 28.41-37 7-11 29.40-34 11-17 30.38-32 27x38 31.43x23 19x28 32.49-43 14-19 33.43-38 13-18 34.37-32 28x37 35.31x42 5-10 36.38-32 10-14 37.32-27 22x31 38.36x27 9-13 39.42-37 3-9 40.27-21 19-23 41.21x12 18x7 42.37-32 14-19 43.26-21 9-14 44.32-27 23-29 45.34x23 19x28 46.44-40 20-24 47.40-34 14-19 48.21-16 13-18 49.34-30 15-20 50.30-25 18-23 51.25x14 19x10 52.45-40 10-14 53.40-34 14-19 54.27-21 28-32 55.21-17 32-37 56.17-11 37-42 57.11x2 23-29 58.34x14 42-48 59.2x30 48x9 60.16-11=

(14) Chizov A. - Wang C.

10 fold world champion made a active move but he did not notice the sacrifice done by young chinese talent. After that a draw becomes only a dream, but ... champion's strength did it. 44.29-23? 26-31! 45.37x26 13-19 46.23-18 22x13 47.42-37 13-18 48.37-31 18-22 49.30-24 19x30 50.35x24 6-11 51.26-21 27x16 52.31-27 22x31 53.36x27 3-8 54.48-42 8-13 55.42-38 11-17 56.38-32 14-19 57.32-28 19x30 58.25x34 17-21 59.27-22 21-26 60.28-23 16-21 61.23-18 13-19 62.18-12 21-27 63.22x31 26x37=

(15) Fedorovich O. - Nogovitsyna M.

35.32-28! interesting decision 6-11
[ Also problems for black in that variant: 35...12-17 36.37-32 18-23 37.25-20 14x34 ]
36.37-32 21-26 37.28-23 19x37 38.30x10 9-14 39.10x19 3-9 40.42x31 26x37 41.19-14 9x20 42.25x14 37-41 43.14-9 18-22 44.9-3 11-17 45.3-9 22-28 46.9-22 28-32 47.22x6 41-46 48.40-34 46-37 49.35-30 37-26 50.48-42 26x48 51.30-25 48x30 52.25x34 32-38 x

(16) Valneris G. - Anikeev Y.

[ Surely Guntis had in mind: 41.34-30 with next 3934 and very good chances but after: 23-29 Attack on 25 is not possible: 42.30-25 29-34 43.25x23 34x43 44.38x49 18x36 x ]
41...20-25 42.41-36 3-8 43.35-30 24x35 44.39-33 35-40! 45.34x45 25-30 46.28-22 30-35 47.36-31 23-29 48.33x24 19x30 49.32-28 30-34 50.38-33 35-40?? 51.37-32!! 26x48 52.33-29 34x23 53.28x19 13x24 54.22x2= Guntis escape - it was a miracle. Probably due to his optimism and big authority ... in elite 'draughts army'.

(17) Motrichko V. - Fedorovich O.

Not a game but comedy of mistakes. There are so many, that it does not make a sense to mark them with "?" 21.27-22 23-29 22.33x24 20x29 23.39-33 1-7 24.33x24 14-20 25.25x14 9x29 26.32-28 7-11 27.49-44 4-9 28.44-39 9-14 29.30-25 15-20 30.39-33 29-34 31.37-32 13-18 32.22x13 8x19 33.43-39 34x43 34.48x39 12-18 35.33-29 21-27 36.32x21 26x17 37.38-33 3-8 38.39-34 8-13 39.34-30 2-8 40.30-24 19x30 41.35x15 13-19 42.42-38 8-13 43.29-23 18x29 44.33x24 19x30 45.25x34 16-21 46.28-23 11-16 47.41-37 17-22 48.34-30 21-27 49.30-24 16-21 50.23-19 14x23 51.15-10 22-28 52.10-5 13-19 53.24x13 23-29 54.5x32 29-33 55.38x29 27x38 56.37-32 38x27 57.13-9 27-32 58.9-3 32-38 59.3x26 38-43 60.26-37 43-48 61.37-46 48-26 62.29-23 26-8 63.23-18 8-3 64.47-42 3-26 65.42-38 26-21 66.38-33 21-17 67.33-29 17-50 68.18-12 50-45 69.46-23 45-50 70.12-7 50-39 71.7-1 39-48 72.23-46 48-26 73.29-23 26-3 74.23-19 3-26 75.1-18 26-3 76.18-9 3 against 1 can be a winning endgame. Why I was so stupid to agree for draw at such a positions all my draughts careeree?

(18) Anikeev Y. - Zhou W.

Anikeev likes such a nice position with possibility to attack without risk! The victory was possible because ... Gerogev was not a opponent. 1.33-29 24x33 2.39x28 19-24 3.28-22 24-30 4.34-29 7-11 5.32-28 30-35 6.28-23 25-30 7.23-18 13-19 8.18-12 19-23 9.29x18 30-34 10.12-8 34-40 11.44-39 40-45 12.18-12 11-16 13.8-3 16-21 14.27x16 26-31 15.3-14 31-36 16.12-7 45-50 17.14-28 50x33 18.28x44 36-41 19.7-1 41-47 20.44-50

(19) Nogovitsyna M. - Motrichko V.

33...23-29 34.44-40 18-23 35.42-37 10-15
[ Black should not afraid to play 35...12-18 white can make a combination with ... good endgame for black 36.40-34 29x40 37.35x44 24x35 38.25-20 14x25 39.33-29 23x34 40.28-22 17x28 41.32x5 ]
36.43-39 15-20 37.27-22! 12-18 38.39-34! 18x36 39.37-31! 36x27 40.32x12 23x43 41.34x23 19x39 42.30x10 20-24 43.10-4 43-49 44.4x50 11-17 45.12x21 49x16 46.40-34 16-2 47.34-30=

(20) Shvartsman A. - Ivanov A.

Keller is evergreen. It is dangerous to play this variants against Ivanov, who probably have hundreds of secret variants in his cupboard. 1.33-29 17-22 2.39-33 11-17 3.44-39 6-11 4.50-44 1-6 5.31-26 16-21 6.32-28 19-23 7.28x19 14x23 8.35-30 10-14 9.30-24 5-10 10.37-31 20-25 11.24-20 15x24 12.29x20 11-16 13.20-15 7-11 14.40-35 14-19 15.44-40 10-14 16.41-37 2-7 17.33-29 22-27 18.31x22 17x28 19.26x17 11x22 20.36-31 16-21 21.38-32 7-11 22.46-41 11-16 23.41-36 21-27 24.32x21 16x27 25.31-26 6-11 26.37-31 12-17 27.47-41 11-16 28.49-44 8-12 29.35-30 3-8 30.40-35 17-21 31.26x17 12x21 32.31-26 27-32 33.26x17 22x11 34.42-37 11-17 35.36-31 16-21 36.31-27 21-26 37.27x38

(21) Trofimov I. - Ndjofang J.M.

Both opponents makes a combination. 38.38-32! 25-30 39.34x25 23-29 40.33x22 17x48 41.43-38! 48x34 42.44-39! 34x21 43.26x6 16-21=

(22) Georgiev A. - Valneris G.

Again Guntis in the position which looks as a lost for him 29...8-12 30.45-40 3-8 31.36-31 23-29 32.42-37 18-23 33.35-30 24x35 34.33x24 20x29 35.39-33 14-20 36.25x14 19x10 37.33x24 12-18 38.28x19 unexpected 17-22! 39.26x28 8-12 40.19x17 11x42 41.43-38 42x33 42.40-34 10-14 43.48-42 18-23 44.42-38 33x42 45.37x48 14-20 46.24-19 23x14 47.27-22 6-11 48.22-18 11-17 49.32-28 14-19 50.31-27 20-24 51.28-22 17x28 52.18-12 19-23 53.34-30 23-29 54.30x19 29-34 55.12-8 28-33= Oh, this Guntis, slippery like an eel, you just can not take it, especially in time trouble. Man is not a machine, but some kind of program will open the triumphant truth?

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